Sunday, May 29, 2011

Go Little Fishy Go

Was so fun watching our little guy, Sebastian, release his salmon fry into the stream a couple weeks ago. Many thanks to the Coho Society of the North Shore and all the volunteers helping in their Adopt-a-Fish Event. Next year, Savara will be able to release one too!

The Scary World of Antibiotics

I've been concerned about the overuse of antibiotics for a long time, not only by people, but also in the meat industry. Having recently come across some interesting articles on the subject, I feel sharing them is the only right thing to do.

Friday, May 20, 2011

effects of toxic chemicals on babies and children

An awesome and very comprehensive list of resources for parents I just found on Green-to-Grow's website. We carry their glass bottles and other products. 

know your chemicals: learn about the effects of toxic chemicals on babies and children
Below is a list of resources intended to help raise awareness about the dangers of toxic chemical exposure on infants, toddlers, and children.

books related to chemical exposure and humans

Ashford, Nicholas and Claudia Miller. 1998. Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes, 2nd Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Bonvie, Linda et al. Chemical-Free Kids: How to Safeguard Your Child’s Diet and Environment. Kensington: 2004.
E Magazine. Green Living: The E Magazine Handbook for Living Lightly on the Earth. Plume: 2005.
Wargo, John. 1998. Our Children's Toxic Legacy : How Science and Law Fail to Protect Us from Pesticides. Yale University Press.
 Schettler, T, G Solomon, M Valenti and A Huddle. 1999. Generations at Risk. MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

keywords to use when searching for information on chemicals and children

arsenic, chemicals, children, child development, developmental toxicant, flame retardants, fluoride, lead, mercury, neurological toxicant, perchlorate, phthalates, reproductive toxicant, toxins

web sites for further research on chemicals

Chemical Encyclopedia

A Child-Safe U.S. Chemicals Policy
Children’s Environmental Health Network
Glossary of Terms
National Environmental Trust
Northwest Coalition for Alternative to Pesticides
Pesticide Action Network North America

articles related to the effects of chemicals on babies and children

Children and Chemicals
Center for Health, Environment & Justice
Healthy Milk, Healthy Baby: Chemical Pollution and Mother's Milk
Natural Resources Defense Council

reports on the potential dangers of chemical exposure to infants and children

Ten Safety Steps to Reduce Your Family’s Exposure to Arsenic from Arsenic-Treated Wood
Environmental Working Group
Nationwide Consumer Testing of Backyard Decks and Playsets Shows High Levels of Arsenic on Old Wood
Environmental Working Group
flame retardants
Flame Retardants in Breast Milk
Toxic Fire Retardants In American Homes:
High Levels of Toxic Fire Retardants Contaminate American Homes
Environmental Working Group
Toxic Fire Retardants (PBDEs) in Human Breast Milk:
Study Finds Record High Levels of Toxic Fire Retardants in Breast Milk from American Mothers
Environmental Working Group
Fluoride in Southern California Tap Water Will Put 64,000 Kids at Risk
No 'Safe' Lead Level Seen for Fetal Brain
Environmental Working Group
Lead Astray: Is Your Child At Risk?
California's Broken Promise to Protect Children from Lead Poisoning
Environmental Working Group
Lead’s Dangerous Legacy
Kids Poisoned By Their Homes; City's Failure to Prosecute Landlords Leaves Poor Families Exposed to Toxic Hazard
Environmental Working Group
Brain Food: Government Seafood Consumption Advice Could Expose 1 In 4 Newborns to Elevated Mercury Levels
Environmental Working Group
New Science, New Insights About Mercury and Autism in Children
Environmental Working Group
'Health Goal' for Perchlorate Will Remain
6 Parts Per Billion: The Governor Pressed for a Review After EPA Set the Federal Level of 24.5 Parts.

Environmental Working Group

Perchlorate and Children's Health: The Case for a Strong Cleanup Standard for Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water
Environment California

Rocket Science: Chapter 1: A Toxic Legacy
Environmental Working Group

When Water Can Be Bad for Kids: Adults Can Tolerate Perchlorate-Contaminated Water, But Too Much Might Hurt Fetuses and the Young. Exactly How Much Is Too Much May Soon Be Known

Pesticides in Food
Food News Shoppers Guide to Pesticides
Environmental Working Group
Overexposed: Organophosphate Insecticides in Children's Food
One Million Kids a Day Exposed to Unsafe Levels of Toxic Pesticides in Fruit, Vegetables, and Baby Food
Environmental Working Group
Overexposed: Organophosphate Insecticides in Children's Food
Environmental Working Group
Are phthalates safe for babies?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

MLGS's Mama's Day Contest!

The winner of our Mama's Day Contest gets a sweet little Care Package - something most definitely that all Mamas deserve... 

The package includes one of our lovely Little Star Lavender Eye Pillows


one of our luxurious Lalabee products and the handy dandy RuMe Reusable Bag of your choice.

To win: Tell us something that your mama did that was so great you are now doing it with your own kiddies. Contest can be entered here or on our fb page. Open to all Canadian and American residents. A winner will be randomly chosen Tuesday, May 31st at midnight. Good luck mamas!

We have a (randomly) chosen winner for our Mama's Day Contest - Mindful Mama -Yay and Congratulations! Please select one of our delicously luxurious Lalabee products (For Mum Category) and one of our delightful Little Star lavender eye pillows and then contact me -